Greetings and welcome to my blog platform which is the place that I have set aside to discuss, evaluate and provide personal insight on the media and its structure. I am a student a Full Sail University currently pursuing my Masters in Business Entertainment! Please follow me along my journey to enlighten those around me!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Are your hands clean?
I am a mother with three boys and I can't help but feel some type of way after hearing the countless cries of black mothers responding to the timeless deaths of their sons who may or may not have been criminals but these young black men were unarmed and unjustifiably killed at the hands of the police. Anya Slauther, the mother of Pasadena teen Kendrec McDade and his fatal shooting death made the front page of the Wave newspaper weeks ago as a follow-up. He was shot to death in Pasadena in 2012 yet this mother is still attending press conferences, forced to face the realities of the injustices of a broken system as she continues to plead for the district attorneys office to review the case. Her lawsuit was settled with the city of Pasadena, yet she is requesting that the incident report that was prepared by the LA county office of Independent Review release their report to the public. She has not been allowed an opportunity to review the report and the "black lives matter" Pasadena chapter have found it in their hearts to support the grieving mother as she cries for District attorney Jackie Lacey to pull and review the report. This sad story has gone deeper than just the cries of one mother. In this particular case a young man, Oscar Cabrillo-Gonzalez reported that two armed teenagers stole his laptop. The truth was that two teens had indeed took his laptop but they were not armed. Officers Jeffrey Newlen and Matthew Griffin were in pursuit of McDade. They fired shoots at him. McDade was hit seven times and two of the gunshots proved to have been fatal. The officers learned that he was unarmed after he was dead. Cabrillo -Gonzalez has plead guilty for making a false report. The District attorneys office supported the officers belief that the suspect had a gun and no charges were filed. Unfortunately minorities know this story all too well. Is it possible to implement the use of body cameras so we can view the injustice up close and personal? Activists across the country are protesting for the use of cameras and accountability. Perhaps the poem that I wrote will resonate in the hearts and souls of those who don't understand what this system of injustice really is......
The poem is titled, Are your hands clean?
As I wash away the dry blood stains that remain as remnants of a profound soul I once knew. We all knew, we all carried. He was one of us, standing in the sins of yesterday facing a violent fate of today.
I scrub at the concrete, the hard surface of eggshell colored grey, it doesn't have life, no feelings, no empathy, no consideration. It just is....
My thoughts travel as I am caught staring at the candles, the notes, letters, pictures, and memorabilia that came from all over to show you love, to share our pain, our love, our connection.
As the blood stains are removed, the ashes of the chalk now rolling in the wind. The blood on my scrubber seem to never leave.
The water washes away all the evidence of the fatal day. The shots seem to numb me. My ears cry out as the steel pierced through your flesh. Pain of tomorrow without you is what forces my heart to rest in my throat.
The empty pieces of your soul traveling out of our reach. The clouds seem to seperate, carrying parts of you all over. You have become the solider in many families, many households. You represent so much.
To remove the blood stains, to wash away the chalk, to scrub at the broken pieces --it screams years, centuries, decades of pain, hurt and sorrow into history books, being scribed into the scrolls of our time. Perhaps your demise was not in vain. Somehow the laws must recognize our blood stains. Maybe the sly residents of our communities can recondition the thinking of the future leaders of the world.
Somehow the posters and the decorated concrete are there to wake up the youthful siblings of other races who once doubted what we have always known. In essence, the dark night may one day brighten around us as we become consumed by your presence. I am carrying pieces of you in my memory as I stand for the first time and look on at the broken pavement where you fell for the last time. May your soul never break! Until we meet again. By Andrea Walker
Monday, March 9, 2015
From Employee to Entrepreneur
As a young woman dreaming of a career path I always believed that I could do just about anything, but I was realistic enough to understand that I still needed money in order to make money. I was always a good student. After I left for college I participated in everything that I could, just praying to get some assistance. I was willing to put in the effort for the, free money, a grant, a scholarship...something! I was overwhelmed with fear that my endeavors would not be enough.
The realities of life hit me once I had graduated with little skill and no employment opportunities, no leads and nothing promising coming my way. I became pregnant with my first child less than a year later and although I had help and support things were still extremely stressful and disheartening. Although I earned my Bachelors degree, I now had new issues with school loans and a new baby to care for. Years later, I had more babies and earned my masters degree in Business. I was still searching for that huge company to offer me the "dream job" that I had been envisioning in my mind for so many years. Meanwhile, I attended leadership conferences and speaking engagements, and read all these business books but I could not change my course of thinking enough for me to go out on faith, fire my boss and become the entrepreneur that I know that I am. I had been praying for the strength and the courage to use the talents that I have been blessed with. I continued to pursue a writing career while working with non-profit organizations and by the grace of God, the time has finally come and I have completed a series of children's christian books, we have a logo and have now started working on the new products to actually launch the company that I have prayed to be apart of for so many years. This blessing is a new reality for me and I wanted to share it as a testimony to what God can do. This new company encompasses all the genres of the arts as a fun innovative approach to learning using tools that I have learned to use as a parent and as a student and most importantly as a Christian and a business woman! Create Noise is a niche based company that ranges from book publishing, performing arts, to independent film and the inspirational product line! Please stay tuned as I will be offering free products and several discounts online to promote the new book launch and promote the product line! The entrepreneur mindset is finally setting in! Thank God for hugging me when I needed it and for carrying me even when I thought I could walk alone! 2015 is already starting off great!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Trends in Entertainment 2011
Current Trends in the Media Industry: Film Production, Television Commercials and Video Games
The shift in entertainment has contributed to the change in technology, the shift in marketing, the rise of social media and the increase in box office sales. The truth is that whenever there is a recession, we are a war or there is an economic downturn, the entertainment industry seems to dominate the arena by increasing sales and generating revenue in record numbers.
Whenever we are facing tragedy or there is an increase in unemployment consumers tend to utilize entertainment more. Perhaps we are escaping our current reality by playing video games, watching movies and going out! Statistics have shown that over the past few years we have shifted the world of entertainment tremendously.
I was reviewing the content at the following site, http://www.npd.com/corpServlet?nextpage=entertainment-categories_s.html. At the site the NPD group states that the film industry dynamics have changed significantly over the last few decades, with studios turning into major media conglomerates focused on the financial bottom line.
VSS research forecasts rising ticket prices will dampen movie attendance and overall box office performance from 2007 to 2011. Theater owners will try to overcome this with more digital screens and studios offering IMAX and 3-D formats. Home video spending, the second largest entertainment category according to VSS research, grew only 0.5 percent in 2006 to $25.7 billion. Growth was driven primarily by a 7.4 percent increase in DVD spending. Additional purchases of DVDs helped offset a staggering 68.9 percent decline in videocassette sales to $720 million.
The growth in DVD spending was propelled by the plethora of box office titles that became available in 2006, including 15 films that generated more than $100 million each at the box office. Releases included “The Chronicles of Narnia,” “Cars” and “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” These titles fueled total DVD purchases up to $17.9 billion and DVD rentals up to $7.08 billion.
According to a February 2008 article in The Economist, there is growing concern in the DVD industry that the Internet will decimate DVD sales, which in America generate about half as much revenue as feature films. Although pirating is seen as a threat to the film industry. Apple’s iTunes captures about 80 percent of the download-to-own market, while Xbox accounts for more than 70 percent of online rentals. On the other hand, an article in BusinessWeek states that the industry is currently mitigating against pirating threats by holding onto paying subscribers and releasing more movies using 3-D images.
The digital television conversion has contributed to the elimination of VHS and video rentals.Music, Movie and Gaming Revenue has grown tremendously. According to the NPD group, ESAA and MPAA: revenue for games is up 28.4%, revenue for movies is up 1.8% and revenue for music is down 10%.
According to boxOfficeMojo.com video game software sales and rentals to $7.16 billion in 2006, while PC software sales declined 1.3 percent in 2006 with spending dropping to $1.01 billion. There is demand for three-dimensional images, artificial intelligence, enhanced voice and sound effects. By 2011, it is estimated that development costs for a single game will range anywhere from $15 million to $25 million. According to VSS researchers, Consumer video game spending will be linked to the availability of new titles for updated console game platforms, which include enhanced online multi-player subscription components such as the Wii and Xbox 360.
Due to the phenomenal success of the video game “Grand Theft Auto IV” which grossed over $500 million in its opening week, with over 6 million copies were sold. This trend also contributes to the PC software market will rebound modestly as sales increase for new computers with superior graphics.
Spending on television programming and in-flight entertainment increased 9.1 percent in 2006 to $27.45 billion, according to VSS. However, the rise of reality shows has taken a toll on network television and VSS blames the growth of reality T.V. on the lack of scripted, off-network programs available for syndication. I am currently suffering from “reality fatigue.” the lack of creativity, the horrible acting, and the increase of drama that dominates every episode. Local television stations are now competing with cable an increased DVD sales of many of the programs they air in syndication. However, Stations are currently benefiting from the FCC-required shift from analog to digital signals hat took place in February 2009.
Due to the current trends in entertainment, marketers are currently asking:
In what entertainment activities are consumers engaged?
Where do Americans spend their entertainment dollars?
What are the high-value consumer segments?
What type of entertainment content do they acquire? Where do they get this content?
What is the impact of specific technology ownership on entertainment consumption behaviors?
What are the potential opportunities/risks for a target consumer segment or industry?
What is the consumer outlook for future entertainment spending?
You can read more insight at the following site: http://www.npd.com/lps/Entertainment_Trends2009/.
Until next time! Today has been great, tomorrow will be even better!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Funding: Money speaks for itself!
Sources of financing are extremely important in the entertainment world. While participating in the business plan development courses at Full Sail University I have been introduced to several alternative funding programs. One of the greatest challenges with staring a business and stepping out on faith is the need for financing.There is a great deal of need for Angel investors and alternative funding sources. Please see the information that I have providing below on two of the alternative funding sources that I have researched within this past week:
http://www.eda.gov/ and http://www.firstnations.org/.
The First Nations Organization is better known as The first Nations development institute and their site is, http://www.firstnations.org/.
The First Nations development institute has a goal of empowering American Indian economies. They offer grant support to tribes and Native nonprofit organizations to support culturally appropriate, asset based development efforts. The organization offers both financial and technical assistance. However, First Nation requirements that all applicants be legal American Indian and to tribes. Their is another organization better known as the US Economic Development Administration. The EDA encourages programs that promote business expansion and job growth. They also support key initiatives throughout regional areas across the United States, thereby developing economic stability through intergovernmental and public/private sector collaboration.
US Economic Development Administration can be located at www.eda.gov. This organization offers federal funding opportunities which include the accellerator challenge competition, University Center Economic Development Program, development assistance programs and several other programs. The US Economic Development Administration has 5 core evaluation requirements which include:
1. National strategic priorities
2. Distressed and underserved communities
3. Return on investment
4. Collaborative regional innovation
5. Public/private partnerships
Within 15 days of reciept, all applications will be evaluated for completeness. Applications are also considered in for cycles and grants that are accepted will be published on the website at www.grants.gov.
Other types of information available on the eda.gov site includes, program funding opportunities, articles on economic inititives, research tools and contact information. Infomation also provided on the firstnations.org/ includes policy training, research program publication, email alerts, updates and an opportunity to donate online.
Today has been great, tomorrow will be even better! Until next time!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Applying The "Expert" Advice to fit my business model
Although the Business Entertainment Masters program has come to a close and I am merely weeks away from earning my degree, I am still learning the concept of creating a plan and setting a standard for my company. The expert advice that the Business plan development course has offered is very useful and if I implement what I have learned, the process will be much easier to develop. Please see a list of the major categories that every business owner and future entrpreneur should be aware of prior to starting a business.
*Study, research and familiarize yourself!
* Rewrite, revise and recreate!
* Be creative, unique and set yourself apart!
* Know the numbers! Money makes sense!
Being aware of new technology, competition and the market are key components that will attract investors and potential supporters of your business model. The development process is a constant process that includes taking an indebt look at the way you deliver information. The creative process is key for new business owners and future entrpreneurs who are entering the market.
Being unique makes you more attractive and marketable to investors and allows you to have an extra edge over your competitors. Knowing the numbers and having a general plan of how you will generate revenue is always a plus. The business plan development course is a structural course that acts as a guide to support your inital ideas. It all goes back to the adage that, you can't miss what you don't have because didn't realize just how rewarding the information is until now! This has been a great experience. I appreciate all the resources, and the food for thought. Today has been great and tomorrow will be even better! Until next time!
Although the Business Entertainment Masters program has come to a close and I am merely weeks away from earning my degree, I am still learning the concept of creating a plan and setting a standard for my company. The expert advice that the Business plan development course has offered is very useful and if I implement what I have learned, the process will be much easier to develop. Please see a list of the major categories that every business owner and future entrpreneur should be aware of prior to starting a business.
*Study, research and familiarize yourself!
* Rewrite, revise and recreate!
* Be creative, unique and set yourself apart!
* Know the numbers! Money makes sense!
Being aware of new technology, competition and the market are key components that will attract investors and potential supporters of your business model. The development process is a constant process that includes taking an indebt look at the way you deliver information. The creative process is key for new business owners and future entrpreneurs who are entering the market.
Being unique makes you more attractive and marketable to investors and allows you to have an extra edge over your competitors. Knowing the numbers and having a general plan of how you will generate revenue is always a plus. The business plan development course is a structural course that acts as a guide to support your inital ideas. It all goes back to the adage that, you can't miss what you don't have because didn't realize just how rewarding the information is until now! This has been a great experience. I appreciate all the resources, and the food for thought. Today has been great and tomorrow will be even better! Until next time!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Experts Views on the Value of Business Plans
I recently examined the views of two experts who focus on business plans. The first expert is Associate Course director Steven Burhoe who has completed over 75 business plans for companies around the world. Mr. Burhoe chose to focus his analysis on two very familiar names in the business world. DONALD TRUMP and OPRAH WINFREY were the focus of his analysis. We can start with Trump, to offer more background on the successful moguls and the challenges that eventually led them to their present success.
Trump was sent to the New York Military Academy at age 13. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Economics, followed in his father’s footsteps and entered the real estate industry. While Winfrey, grew up in a troubled home in Mississippi where she was repeatedly sexually abused until she moved away to Nashville to live with her father who was also a businessman. In college at Tennessee State University, she started working in radio and television broadcasting and in 1986, Winfrey launched “The Oprah Show.” During the first year the show grossed $125 million in profit. Oprah received $30 million of that for herself and decided to take control of her show from ABC under her Harpo production company. For years, the show has remained to be one of the highest grossing daytime television shows in history.
Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey are both individually known for their vast business models and their high grossing television success. Expert Steven Burhoe determines that Donald Trump’s stance on business plans is that an entrepreneur must have a clear and concise focus before he starts his venture. Burhoe agues that a business plan is a model and this model offers direction and focus. Oprah’s stance on business plans is that you must monitor and adjust your business plan to increase your outcome for success.
Overall, in his analysis of Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump and their business plan models, Steven Burhoe concludes that:
* If there is no business plan, then there is no focus for your business and you are bound to fail.
*With a plan, you know where you are going, what you are doing, and how you will get
where you want to be.
*The biggest pitfall mentioned is not making a business plan at all.
Pictured: Dave Lavinsky, Co-founder of Growthink
I also viewed an interesting interview that was featured on Bloomberg Business week
with expert Dave Lavinsky, the co-founder of Growthink, a business plan consulting firm that has helped write over 1,000 business plans. Lavinsky offered his analysis on what potential investors want to see and the misconceptions that entrepreneurs make. Lavinsky argues that a lot of business plans were “predicated on companies that were making first time developments.” However, investors have began to reconsider their investment decisions because the companies that made first time developments are now being pushed aside for companies coming behind them. Lavinsky offers expert advice for starter companies and entrepreneurs who are developing their business plan:
*Review the track record for your market niche
*Do market research as soon as you have an idea
*Evaluate if your idea makes sense and if it does attack the market
*If you need financing, then you need to have a complete business plan. This includes setting up milestones
*Improve what you can measure
*Research what investors in your market niche want
After examining the views of Steven Burhoe and Dave Lavinsky I must say that I agree with their assertion that an effective business plan goes a long way. A plan is a simple road map in the right direction. Proper planning gives your business purpose and speaks for itself. I have learned a lot of useful information over the past year and these experts have reinforced what I was taught in reference to effective research and planning. It was a privilege to share the views of these highly qualified experts with you. Today has been great, tomorrow will be even better! Until next time!
You can find a link to Expert Steven Burhoe at: http://bpexpertviews.blogspot.com/
or view full interviews with business plan experts at: http://feedroom.businessweek.com/index.jsp?fr_story=a6be55484f395148180836b4e80cb8d042fb2c8e
I recently examined the views of two experts who focus on business plans. The first expert is Associate Course director Steven Burhoe who has completed over 75 business plans for companies around the world. Mr. Burhoe chose to focus his analysis on two very familiar names in the business world. DONALD TRUMP and OPRAH WINFREY were the focus of his analysis. We can start with Trump, to offer more background on the successful moguls and the challenges that eventually led them to their present success.
Trump was sent to the New York Military Academy at age 13. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Economics, followed in his father’s footsteps and entered the real estate industry. While Winfrey, grew up in a troubled home in Mississippi where she was repeatedly sexually abused until she moved away to Nashville to live with her father who was also a businessman. In college at Tennessee State University, she started working in radio and television broadcasting and in 1986, Winfrey launched “The Oprah Show.” During the first year the show grossed $125 million in profit. Oprah received $30 million of that for herself and decided to take control of her show from ABC under her Harpo production company. For years, the show has remained to be one of the highest grossing daytime television shows in history.
Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey are both individually known for their vast business models and their high grossing television success. Expert Steven Burhoe determines that Donald Trump’s stance on business plans is that an entrepreneur must have a clear and concise focus before he starts his venture. Burhoe agues that a business plan is a model and this model offers direction and focus. Oprah’s stance on business plans is that you must monitor and adjust your business plan to increase your outcome for success.
Overall, in his analysis of Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump and their business plan models, Steven Burhoe concludes that:
* If there is no business plan, then there is no focus for your business and you are bound to fail.
*With a plan, you know where you are going, what you are doing, and how you will get
where you want to be.
*The biggest pitfall mentioned is not making a business plan at all.
Pictured: Dave Lavinsky, Co-founder of Growthink
I also viewed an interesting interview that was featured on Bloomberg Business week
with expert Dave Lavinsky, the co-founder of Growthink, a business plan consulting firm that has helped write over 1,000 business plans. Lavinsky offered his analysis on what potential investors want to see and the misconceptions that entrepreneurs make. Lavinsky argues that a lot of business plans were “predicated on companies that were making first time developments.” However, investors have began to reconsider their investment decisions because the companies that made first time developments are now being pushed aside for companies coming behind them. Lavinsky offers expert advice for starter companies and entrepreneurs who are developing their business plan:
*Review the track record for your market niche
*Do market research as soon as you have an idea
*Evaluate if your idea makes sense and if it does attack the market
*If you need financing, then you need to have a complete business plan. This includes setting up milestones
*Improve what you can measure
*Research what investors in your market niche want
After examining the views of Steven Burhoe and Dave Lavinsky I must say that I agree with their assertion that an effective business plan goes a long way. A plan is a simple road map in the right direction. Proper planning gives your business purpose and speaks for itself. I have learned a lot of useful information over the past year and these experts have reinforced what I was taught in reference to effective research and planning. It was a privilege to share the views of these highly qualified experts with you. Today has been great, tomorrow will be even better! Until next time!
You can find a link to Expert Steven Burhoe at: http://bpexpertviews.blogspot.com/
or view full interviews with business plan experts at: http://feedroom.businessweek.com/index.jsp?fr_story=a6be55484f395148180836b4e80cb8d042fb2c8e
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
U.S. President’s Barack Obama’s re-election campaign uses Facebook!!!!!!!!
U.S. President’s Barack Obama’s re-election campaign was kicked off by using the online effort of social media. The campaign started with a set structure of utilizing social media mogul, Facebook as a key tool for spreading the word and directly reaching supporters.
While social media sites have dominated marketing efforts, gave birth to new artists via viral feeds and acted as the dominating publicity tool for brands all over the globe. There seems to be a new political strategy evolving within the facebook headquarters!
Obama’s facebook page has well over 19 million people who claim to ‘like’ it! The site maintains that the campaign is launching an online effort along with their offline effort towards re-election.
Along with making history as the first African American President in the United States, Obama is also the first president to use Facebook live, a streaming interview feature to directly reach voters by doing what campaign officials refer to the activity as “keeping them (voters) active!"
Early this year Obama visited the Palo Alto headquarters of the social network, where the president held a special "Facebook town hall" event that streamed live over Facebook and the White House website. Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and Zuckerburg moderated and sat onstage with the president, along with a audience of Facebook employees, and entrepreneurs.
With over 7.2 million followers on Twitter, Obama also kicked off his election campaign by releasing a youtube clip to aid his campaign journey. The President has also pledged to reach out to every voter that supported him during his first run in an effort to reconnect with his voters. The changing pace of technology and the rise of social networks allows politicians to associate themselves and become active with the world of changing technology. Perhaps social media will allow us to market ourselves a set further from where we stand today! It has been great! Until next time!
Swift, Mike. "Obama to hold Facebook town hall; kicks off campaign fundraising in Bay Area - San Jose Mercury News." Home - San Jose Mercury News. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2011.
Wauters, Robin. " Obama’s Re-election Campaign Puts Facebook Front And Center … Literally ." TechCrunch . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2011.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
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