Non-Verbal Story telling at
I viewed an online video on that showcased a speaker named, Chris Anderson. Anderson’s video is called, “ideas worth spreading.” This clip can be shown on the following link
It was interesting because Anderson provides us with information regarding online video and explains why he believes that online video is far more advanced than print media. He shares evidence that video technology is a powerful source which replaces the face-to-face component that allows us to relate to elements of material that is presented.
His assertion that innovation emerges out of groups is very accurate. I believe his theories because I personally love to log on to youtube and watch interesting clips that people create. Most of the clips that I watch are referred to me and if I find them interesting I will refer them to someone else and the list goes on. The truth is that we thrive off entertainment and the way we learn of new material is often through word-of-mouth referrals. We are a social species that relate more through visual media than anything else. Although print media is still a popular source of information, we seem to be going away from the traditional way of reading and focusing on e-books, audio books and even online publications. With the way that technology is moving us forward we will soon be offering mini computers and technology to the k-12 student just so they can be prepared for the advancements that will be current during their time. To compete in today's society it seems that we must use computer technology and become familiar with it so we can be aware of whats current.
In reference to the video. Mr. Anderson opens up to his audience by showing us a clip of children dancing and explains that these children are self taught how to dance through web technology. These clips not only piqued the audience but also kept their attention throughout the speech. He also shared a clip that was created in Kenya, Africa on the advancement of the people and the culture. Using video technology as a source we were able to see the vegetables that the natives planted and witness the development of their people by simply watching a simple video. Mr. Anderson asserted that web technology is an eco system on how innovation emerges due to the fact that millions are connected and able to view a clip of material once it is uploaded. His examples offered me more of a visual representation of the facts that he explained. We are often told that great speakers are excellent story tellers. Mr. Anderson definitely provided us with a plethora of information and shared his findings by presenting facts in a excellent story telling format.

Greetings and welcome to my blog platform which is the place that I have set aside to discuss, evaluate and provide personal insight on the media and its structure. I am a student a Full Sail University currently pursuing my Masters in Business Entertainment! Please follow me along my journey to enlighten those around me!
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